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Families & Friends

Updated: Dec 23, 2021

Dad - Colin

Kyle asked me to write a little blurb about our relationship as father and son and if I could reflect on a moment in my life when I knew a big change was on its way. So, the day my wife and I found out that we were expecting our first child we were ecstatic, we knew the plans and prep work needed to organize, so we went right into pre-nursery mode. Our child’s room was done immediately, all the essentials were in place, all we needed was our firstborn.

The morning Kyle came into our lives, he came in full blast. Our lives were engulfed in the biggest emotional roller-coaster ride. As you all have read about Kyle’s struggle at birth, you could imagine how stressful that was on his mother, and me. As new parents, there was no time for practice. It was like going from a golf cart to a race car.

Kyle had the sweetest demeanour, his infectious smile and his sense of humour attracted people to him. We could not go anywhere without people coming up to us to say how he was engaging with them across the room with the biggest smile.

Our lives changed the day Kyle was born, in such a positive way. Our world that we live in tends to dwell on negativity and at times selfish behaviours. In Kyle’s world, I have witnessed simplicity, love, acceptance, courage, strength, "keeping things real”, and appreciation. My life has been filled with so much joy with Kyle in it. I have been challenged in ways I never thought of. I did not know this type of love, a love for a child even existed.

While everyone around us was having children, I would watch all the natural milestones these kids were blessed to experience in their proper timing. These milestones we often take for granted. However, I did not, I could not, because it took us months and months if not years to meet those milestones. But when we did well, it was truly overwhelming. I remember what a big accomplishment it was when Kyle turned over, sat up, commando crawled, took his first steps holding onto my fingers, etc—Wow, I was ecstatic, so proud and over the moon. I knew what it took for Kyle to get there, the determination and drive, but most of all intelligence.

Kyle has grown up to be the finest of all young men. He is smart, handsome, determined, kind, and compassionate. He holds such creativity, when unleashed, the world is his to challenge. As a father, I could not even begin to tell you how proud I am of my son. I have been so blessed to have this experience with him, to share all the hardships and best of all, all the laughs and good times together, as father and son and as a complete family. My wishes are for him to keep reaching for the stars, keep searching for that special someone in his life. But remember, this is your life, you have the wheel(s).

With all my love,


Mom - Silvana

My relationship with my son has been a loving and nurturing one as are all relationships with mothers, and Colin and I would always advocate on his behalf to make sure he got everything he needed. Growing up, it was always mommy first with Kyle and I was always there for educational assistance when he needed it or just to chit-chat.

Kyle has always been a fighter with a strong personality. Always determined to achieve his goals and keep a positive outlook on life, hence his nicknames Spunky and Smiley. Kyle’s life has many challenges, but he overcame those challenges by never giving up and for that, as a Mom, I am proud of what he has become and has accomplished in his life so far.

Kyle’s determination, his giving and his kind personality have made me see life in a different light. He has brought joy and gives me a purpose in life. He has taught me to never give up and even though life is not perfect, each individual’s life is perfect in its own way!

Love always,


Brother - Stirling

Having a brother like Kyle, you watch and see firsthand how people react to humans with physical or learning disabilities. Most people have a predetermined outlook on disabled people, which is almost always a misconception. Growing up with my brother definitely gave me a different view of people and society. His positive and driven attitude growing up exemplified that the only limitations humans have are the ones we put on ourselves. Through his work ethic and success, he showed people that it’s possible to achieve your goals and never sell

yourself short.

Here are some of my favourite memories with my brother:

  • Watching wrestling in Nonna’s living room.

  • Wrestling each other in the living room, jumping off the armrest of the couch, and on to our parents’ bed. Pretending to be Scooby-Doo and Blue’s Clues when we were tag teaming and using pillows as steel chairs.

  • Playing floor hockey in the living room, using the empty gas fireplace space as a net.

  • Playing floor hockey in the basement with actual sticks; using clear hockey tape as the crossbar on the pocket doors.

  • While at Disney World when I was nine years old, I wasn’t a happy kid, which is unusual for a kid that age to not want to be there. Kyle tried so hard to encourage me to enjoy my time.

  • Playing street hockey, baseball and soccer in the backyard together.

  • Attending his sledge hockey, baseball and indoor soccer games.

  • Attending WWE events and watching PPVs at home.

  • Playing in an exhibition sledge hockey match against each other. My team the Phantoms versus the Sledgehammers. Brother versus brother and you came to our team to help us out.

  • Family vacations to Florida, Punta Cana, Mexico and Las Vegas, Grand Canyon.

  • All the travelling for our hockey games and tournaments.

  • Harry Potter World at Disney in 2014. We felt like we were in the movie and we bought our wands at Diagon Alley, drank ButterBeer at lunch, and took the train to Hogwarts.

  • Playing WWE and NHL video games on the Playstation.

Kyle’s continued positivity, good spirits, sense of humour as well as love for family and friends are what make(s) him so incredibly cherished by everyone.

I am thankful as a brother to have watched and experienced Kyle’s journey, and I’m excited to see where his road leads him next!”

Love your brother,


Family- The Sister I Never Had- Kerri

The first time I met Kyle was unexpectedly in the driveway at the Scott’s residence. I was picking up his brother at the same exact time Kyle and Silvana were getting home, so that was where I had to ultimately make my first impression. Immediately Kyle had the biggest, most welcoming smile on his face. Stirling obviously had talked about him and his Cerebral Palsy beforehand, so I wasn’t caught off guard or anything meeting him. As I got to know Kyle more, I realized he’s not as innocent as he may seem. He’ll sneak up behind you every chance he gets to scare you, he’ll dramatically shove into you every time the car turns in the backseat, and then tattle on you for shoving into him, and one time I even saw him get pulled off to the side for a security check at the airport, so I would be careful around him if I were you.

Fond Memory: At their Yearly D’Agostino Christmas Gathering, It was my first time meeting the family including “UR KWEL” Aunt Anna. The week prior, I was out for dinner with Kyle and his family. Kyle and Colin were telling me about Aunt Anna gullible is. Kyle and Colin were planning on how they could torment Anna by involving me. They knew how terrified she was about death, they convinced me to be a Forensic Scientist.

Even though it was at the beginning of everything, it felt like I've been a part of the family for a while.

However, with that being said, Kyle is one of the most genuine people I know. He cares so much about everyone in his life, is so supportive, thoughtful, funny, sarcastic, ambitious. Over these last few years, I have successfully made my way from “Stirling’s girlfriend,” to “Miss Kerri Underwood,” to the most cherished “Sis or Sister.” And I’m sure he’s gonna come up with more nicknames.

Kyle is like a big brother I never had.

I am truly lucky to be able to be a part of the family, and I cannot wait to keep making memories in the years to come!

Love always,

Your sister,


Family- Uncle- Gordon

The consistent thought that comes to mind is the strength of your character and the ability to carry on regardless of any physical affliction you have. 

This does not stop Kyle from doing it, not only for himself but for others as well. Going through school into College and obtaining your degree you made us all proud! However, the number one thing Kyle has always shown is the ability to keep your sense of humour and always wanting to help where you can.

I think Kyle has shown his brother Stirling, cousins and friends what it is to be strong and get things done regardless of the obstacles ahead.   

Having a sense of humour through all of life’s trials . . . the good and bad . . .

This was especially true when I was going through my divorce then losing Grandma and Grandpa in a very short period of time. To add to that I had lost all the assets that I worked for over many years. You, your Mom, Dad and Stirling were there with support with me and took me in during that time period. Your love, support- especially your dislike of my ex-wife and ability to make light of the situation—Gave me the strength to carry on!!!

Fond Memories:

  • Remembering when you were born. The issues that arose from your birth led to CP . . . which we did not know at the time. As your mother was whisked away from St. Joe’s to McMaster due to the complications.

  • Uncle George and Aunt Jean—were up here at that time and witnessed the goings-on as well—it was a happy tense time for all. Your mother bore through it like the trooper she is.

  • Grandma Scott calling you “Spunk,” which in hindsight was so true.

  • After you were diagnosed with CP, we all endeavoured to learn more about this say . . . infliction and move forward the best we all could.

  • You had from day one a very happy amiable and warming personality—which continues to this very day—with those who know you would be more than happy to not only acknowledge but agree with the above statement.

  • We have had many good laughs—sometimes at the expense of the ever so easy to get Anna—but laugh we have done. Your father also—an unlimited resource of comedy and Pathe.

  • Watching many Wrestling programs together as a family and enjoying each other’s company.

  • The trip we took, on your and James' 21st, my 50th birthday back now over ten years ago to Las Vegas. The opening of the cord by Louis Anderson and James handing out "cards” to passersby and your dad setting off the alarm at the Titanic Exhibit! That was a great remembered trip.

  • The afternoons we spent on Tuesday’s coming up to stay with you while your mother was at work—enjoyed those times—the one time I went to the hospital after because of vertigo. That was back in 2014, believe it or not—that long ago.

  • The forever going “how to get Anna” thoughts, schemes and plots—always good.

  • Watching you at your Sledge Hockey games—was always good—you never gave up . . . always wanted the puck and did what you could every game to score—in which you did several times! Well Done.

  • The trip to the D.R—then the second where I dragged you under the stair rail into the pool, then when we pushed you off the top of the pool onto the air mattress below. Also during the first trip, when you were in the hot tub, and you rose out of the water, then listed to portside and down you went—all in slow motion. We were relieved at that moment and acted it out for the camera—and those guests who ventured to watch. When your Dad held you up at the edge of the pool, while I was in the pool with the float and Colin turned you around with your back facing the float. I signal your day to let you fall. You fell backwards landing onto the float then bouncing off into the water. The Canadian couple who live in Scotland couldn’t take their drunken eyes off of what was happening.

How Kyle made an impact in my life is again the ability to carry on. To keep moving forward and NEVER GIVE UP!

You’re an exceptional young man!


U.G & A.T

Family- Aunt- Ruth

My name is Ruth and I’m Kyle’s aunt, his father and I are brothers and sisters. I have been asked by Kyle on several occasions to submit an entry to his autobiography and I can admit it’s been hard for me to think of all the things I could and should say about Kyle. So, I thought of a lot of things that have happened to and around Kyle in his life in the last thirty years. I have chosen to examine the impact his life has made on mine, to reflect on some of his achievements, but I also wanted to bring up the people that have loved him and are no longer here with us today.

The first day I met Kyle I was peeking at him inside the NICU at the McMaster University children’s hospital in Hamilton Ontario sometime shortly after he was born. I was aware of some complications but I was young and didn’t realize the magnitude of them at the time. As a matter of fact, I didn’t know he had cerebral palsy until he was about 16 months old. I am not sure why I didn’t know but our family wasn’t in hysterics as we all were just very understanding his journey in life would be challenging and it was unspoken and accepted.

My brother Colin and sister-in-law, Silvana are pillars of strength and have never flinched at the responsibility of raising a child with cerebral palsy a fate not for the weak and immature. This little baby turned into honestly the sweetest child I have ever known. I remember the day Kyle was visiting my parents’ house and he was sitting in an infant car seat and my other young nephew Matthew was there and he said to my brother uncle Colin why does Kyle have shoes on? To which my brother replied well he can walk and he walked all the way out of the hospital and we all had a good laugh.

There’s my mother, Evelyn who refers to him as spunky, she gave him this name the moment she laid eyes on him in the hospital the day after he was born. She always calls him spunk or hey there spunky and she always had so much love for him. She used to refer to me as the last of the Mohicans. I guess she thought she was raising a tribe which she was after all she had six children in total. Then there was my father, Walter who from the moment he stepped into the room and saw Kyle his whole disposition would change. He would lighten up and become so warm-hearted to Kyle as I’ve never seen this side of him after all this was a man who was pretty much stern but always had a wonderful sense of humour which I see Kyle has inherited.

The impact Kyle’s life has had on mine is to never be afraid of moving forward, to take challenges and to be more than happy within my body even on those days I have hated it. How selfish I have been not to be thankful for all God has given me. Kyle is a strong capable man, a great listener and always full of wisdom to give you if you just listen even if it is unspoken—you can see it in his eyes. He was extra special to his late Aunt Susan. She loved him so much because she knew he shared her crazy sense of humour.

Sometimes I think Kyle is the best thing that has come from the Scott clan in my opinion. He is a fierce warrior, a great storyteller and seldom wears underwear under his kilt. I love my nephew Kyle.


Aunt Ruthie, Uncle Rene, Andrew & Alex

Family- Uncle- Tony “Fuzzy”

When Kyle first told me that he was writing a book about his life, it brought back lots of memories for me. Honestly, thinking of the stories brought me to tears, both of joy and sadness. Joy, because my parents and I were able to spend time and play with their grandchildren- nipoti. For myself, since I was the youngest and my parents were older when I was grounding up, so having my nephews around was a lot of fun.

Fond Memories: I was young when I became an Uncle. First Mark then Kyle. My nephews and I would always play ‘good guy, bad guy’ fights. However, one day it got a little out of hand when my older brother, Joe decided to join us. Kyle and I were ‘tag-team’ partners, beating Mark up when Joe- Mark’s Dad jumped in and accidentally put my foot through the wall. It was one of the few times Mark and Kyle ever saw their Nonno get actually angry!

Another memorable moment of mine is having Kyle overnight at my place after marrying Susan. All Kyle wanted to do is play Hockey and Baseball. He had lots of energy!

Everything was good until bedtime. He was just a young kid and when his mind wasn’t occupied, he would cry for his parents. One time, we let Kyle sleep with us. Well, in the middle of the night, Kyle managed to kick me out of my bed by kicking me in the nose accidentally and making my nose bleed.

The next morning Kyle asked me, “where were you last night?” I told him that he kicked me out of bed by making my nose bleed. Kyle said, “really? How did I do that?” Well, I slept at the end of the bed and your foot kicked me right in the face.

Having a nephew like Kyle and overcoming his challenges in his life is remarkable.

Sadness because my parents aren’t around to see what wonderful young men then have become. They would be very proud of Kyle!


Uncle Fuzzy & Aunt Suzy

Family- Cousin- Samantha

Kyle is my first cousin on my dad’s side and the memories of him start from a very young age, Family events, celebrations, and just your average family get-togethers, Kyle was always there smiling and laughing through it all. What inspired me the most was the fact that he did things I couldn’t believe he could do. He never let anything stop him from living his life.

At such a young age I watched Kyle play mini-sticks in the basement with Stirling and Nick, sledge hockey, soccer, and so much more. That amazed me because it showed his courage and determination to live his life to the fullest, regardless of any setbacks that could have possibly come his way. And these traits never wavered. We still play soccer in the backyard and games in the pool, Kyle is always finding new and creative ways to have fun and make memories. I’ll never forget the road hockey games and underwater pictures we take every summer. To make it simple, it’s always a blast when Kyle is around because you never know what to expect, but you know you’re going to have a good time. And that is what makes all of our memories together so special.

Love always,

Your little Soccer star,


Family- Cousin- Nicolas

When Kyle first told me, he was writing a book I knew instantly that it was going to be inspiring and amazing. Growing up, Kyle has been a role model for me and is someone that I’ve always looked up to. He always has a smile on his face and immediately brings up everyone’s mood. Kyle and I share many interests which allows us to bond effortlessly. We are both huge sports fans and are always texting throughout the seasons reminding each other just how good the Leafs are, and how bad the Blue Jays are now.

As I was getting to graduate 8th grade at my Catholic elementary school, we were asked to have a sponsor for our confirmation. Someone that we looked up to and wanted to be with us as we took a step into a new journey in our lives. I decided that I wanted Kyle to be mine, and it was one of the best decisions I've made. He had all the characteristics of someone that I wanted to be in the future. He’s good-looking, caring, energetic, loving, is able to show compassion, is patient with others and he sees the good in people even when they may not see it in themselves, and did I mention good-looking?!

One of my favourite memories growing up was being able to go watch my favourite teams play. For my fifteenth birthday, Kyle surprised me and took me to the Blue Jays game downtown. One of my first times being able to watch a game live and is a day I will never forget. It’s easy to enjoy the games on TV but it’s different when you're able to watch with someone who understands what’s going on just as much- or more than myself. It’s days like those that you look back on and want to happen again and again.

Another great game we saw was when about two years ago, we went to watch the Maple Leafs play and it allowed me to experience an atmosphere like never before. I think it’s safe to say that if I’m going to watch a game, Kyle is gonna be there with me! We are both die-hard Leafs fans and got experience watching them live together and is something that I’m so grateful for. In my future, I aspire to become the GM of the Leafs and then we will be able to watch all the games in person.

These are just a few of the many experiences that Kyle has given me and I can’t wait for many more in the future. Kyle has not only been a great mentor for me and someone who I can always talk to, but he has inspired me to be the best person I can be and has been a huge part of who I am today. I couldn’t be prouder to call you my sponsor, friend, and cousin.

Love always,

Your Latino Bud,


Family- Great Aunt- Jean

My Life with Kyle Scott, “To know him is to love him.” This is a statement that people make when they meet an extraordinary person that has changed their life. I met Kyle on the day he was born. My husband George and I were in Hamilton visiting his parents, Colin and Silvana in May of 1989.

We had a beautiful dinner and were settling in for the night when Silvana started going into labor. George took Colin and Silvana to the hospital. George came back to the apartment where we were waiting to hear when the baby would enter the world. Silvana was having problems with the birth and Kyle was not ready to make his grand entrance. After a difficult birth, Kyle made his appearance in this world. It was touch and go for a while, so we stayed longer to make sure everybody was okay, especially the new addition. After a couple of days, we decided to leave.

On our drive home we were praying that Kyle, Colin and Silvana would be okay. Our prayers were answered. Although Kyle had challenges, he was given to the perfect parents, that would work with him and make his life a blessing.

I have had the pleasure of being in Kyle’s life since his birth in 1989. I have been blessed to spend many vacations, birthdays and visits with the family. The many vacations when his family came down to see me and George in our home in Florida. These visits are special memories to me. I watched Kyle learn to swim in the pool at the Reef Club where we lived. I have gone to the beach, amusement parks and other fun places with Kyle and his family. My latest adventure was our family vacation in the Dominican for my birthday. I am so glad I was a part of those memories.

Kyle’s smile and laughter are contagious. You can’t have a bad time when Kyle is in charge.

When we are apart Kyle continues to brighten my day with e-mails and texts that I laugh at or just read and know he is thinking of me. I am blessed beyond belief to have this young man in my life, as I said earlier to know Kyle is to love him and I do love him very much.

Love always,


Family- Great Uncle and Aunt- Tony “Elvis” & Felicia “Konky”

Uncle Tony and Silvana’s mother Maria are brother and sister. We were thrilled to help welcome Kyle into the world as soon as we knew that our niece Silvana was having her first child. When we saw you for the first time we knew you were going to steal our hearts. It was a blessing to have been asked to watch Kyle from a newborn and we fell in love with him as he was an absolute joy. Thankful for being close and remaining close for all these years. Our families are not only connected by blood but by memories we share, miracles we’ve witnessed, and celebrating many events together.

I had the honour of babysitting Kyle when he was only a couple of months old for the first two years of his life. Your mom or dad would drop you off in the morning and I remember your Nonno picking you up every day. We would bond, share quiet moments, and grow a special closeness together which we still share to this day. Every evening when you went home I would already look forward to the next day I could see you and hold you.

Fond Memory: One day Silvana and Kyle came out of the blue one day which we absolutely love. Silvana told us that Kyle had a surprise so we wondered what it could be. Kyle got up from his wheelchair, stood on his feet and walked on his own from our front door to our kitchen table. The emotions that came over us are unexplainable. We knew that Kyle was doing therapy, and this was proof that all good things come in time. This was a huge victory which we are honoured he came to share with us. We are always rooting for you Kyle and blessed that you love to share these milestones with us. Your progress never goes unnoticed and we are always reminiscing on how wonderful a human being you are!

We will always hold dear to us the times we go out for coffee at Tim Horton’s, and we wish that we can keep doing this, as our time together means the world to us.

We love you Kyle, your smile and attitude make us feel complete joy and happiness for you.

Ama sempre,

Uncle Tony & Aunt Felicia

Family- Cousin- Nancy

Kyle is a young man filled with such love for life. His incredible humour and sarcasm make him a truly special person. I have never met a more determined man who beyond some challenges in life continues to make everyone laugh and smile.

Fond Memory: I remember Kyle as a young baby coming to my home in Caledonia. My mother Felicia took care of him and always wanted to be the center of attention. I remember the times when Kyle would laugh with us, that big smile of his used to like the room and still no as an adult lights up the darkest room. I remember he would start kicking me all the time to get my attention and there is no way that I would have let anyone KICK me the way that you did playfully and get away with it.

I do not remember Kyle ever crying as you are a very tough child and the only time that I saw you stall was when your dad would drop you off at my parents’ place, and he would have to look through the window in the kitchen to wave goodbye to his Dad. No matter what, Kyle always managed to take an extra forty-five minutes of his time in the morning. The bond that Kyle shares with his Dad are PRICELESS!

On another note, when Kyle’s Mom would come to get him after work, it would take him forever to leave the house because you were having too much fun with my parents. I remember the food my mother used to make and how you used to eat with such passion and appetite.

If you’re ever having a bad day, Kyle is the person that will brighten it for you!”


Yappy Nancy

Family- Cousin- Alisa

Kyle is my third cousin—his Mom and my Dad are cousins—but because we are close in age and live nearby each other, we grew up together. I am three years older than Kyle and after my older brother Mark left for university, I was asked by Colin and Silvana if I could help babysit Kyle and Stirling after school.

Even though I was a kid myself, I understood a lot about Cerebral Palsy- my current career as a Registered Nurse was fostered at a young age. I understood Kyle was a really smart kid, and he was only limited physically by his disability.

But what amazes me about Kyle is his humour, good spirit and overall happy attitude. Kyle always greets everyone with his big smile. He takes time to warm up to new people and talk to them, but once you get to know him he doesn’t stop talking! For many years I helped Kyle and Stirling off the bus, play outside and do their homework. Kyle never let his leg splints/braces or helmet- if Kyle decided to wear his leg braces/splints didn’t stop him from doing anything! Hockey, Baseball and Soccer, the boys were busy- Go Jays and Leafs! If Kyle fell down, he’d get right back up and continue to play. Kyle never cried or got discouraged.

During the Baseball season, Kyle and I would head outside to pitch the ball as I was his “back catcher.” I was always amazed and impressed at how accurate most of his pitches were considering having Cerebral Palsy. Also, when we would play floor hockey and he playing goalie. Kyle was pretty good at keeping the ball out of the net. Kyle is an all-rounded athlete and always gives everything he got!

Fast forward a few years later and Kyle followed me to the same high school. There we got to hang out more like friends and go to school dances and activities. His social network continued to grow and everyone who met Kyle fell in love with him.

Kyle displayed great wisdom and bravery even at a young age and he is grateful for his amazing life and wonderful family and friends.



Family- Cousin- Jeffrey & Erika

Jeffrey: Kyle’s disability has given me a small glimpse into the challenges that people with physical limitations face every day. The greatest thing I have learned is that it is impossible to fully understand these challenges unless you face them every day, everywhere and from everyone.

While society has built wheelchair ramps and lowered light switches, the preconceived views that the world holds against people with disabilities are the greatest barrier. The best gift that we can give each other and to those with physical challenges is to meet a person like Kyle, become his friend and ask him to share his experience.

Spending time with Kyle is always a blast and guarantees a good laugh at my expense.

Erika: I met Kyle years ago through my partner, his cousin Jeffrey. Now, by marriage, Kyle is my cousin. I am beyond lucky to have Kyle in my life. He has taught me so much. He has taught me about true friendship, loyalty, acceptance, how to tell a good joke and so much more. Why? Because Kyle is all of those things and more. He cares about his family and friends so deeply and I've been lucky to be part of that group. When I have a special milestone or moment, Kyle is one of the first to be there to support or congratulate from afar. He is so patient with me. I’m not the most responsive “texter” and he always has patience with me. Kyle is hilarious and has told me more funny jokes than most of the people in my life—I could go on and on. Like the time, Kyle gave me a massive chocolate pizza—and when I say massive, I mean massive or the time he took me and my partner, Jeff, for dinner for my birthday.

Kyle is so generous and kind. I consider myself lucky to have Kyle in my life. Mostly for his unwavering friendship, but also because we like so many of the same TV shows!

Love always,


Family- Cousin- Lucy & Rudy

Lucy: Kyle, you are the most bravest and happiest young man I have ever known. You’re an inspiration, delivering strength to everyone around you. I am privileged to know you and be part of your life.

Rudy: Kyle is my AMIGO, always smiling and ready for anything. I know we are family but I always think about how lucky I am to have you as a good friend. I love you man and thank you for being who you are!

P.S. Let’s go to the CASINO!


Lucy & Rudy

Family- Cousin- Fil & Enzo

Kyle is a wonderful, loving and caring young man. He loves spending time with his family. We have had the pleasure of hosting Kyle and his mother for our annual sauce making. We all crack jokes and Kyle loves it. He is always eager to join in the fun.

Kyle also has a great architecture background and did very well in College. In 2012 my husband added a covered porch to our new home and asked Kyle if he could draft up some blueprints. Unbeknownst to us he not only drafted us the blueprints but did it in 3D. When we took them to City Hall for approval, they were very impressed with the drawings and said, “Who designed this? It doesn’t get better than this!!

Thank you Kyle for our porch and it will always be a reminder of another one of your special gifts.

An absolute pleasure to hang out with.

God Bless You, Kyle!

Family Friend/Aunt & Uncle- Dina & Joe

Kyle, we know you have CP since birth and while we don’t know enough about CP. However, we are amazed constantly by how you have overcome many challenges that you had to face. We see you and we see a very caring, nurturing, understanding, patient person, with a support group bigger than life. We see your passion for hockey, Maple Leafs, not sure why they lose—all the time, I guess that’s your positive outlook in life shining through. Your accomplishment in school is admirable, with all the challenges you faced when others around you struggle to complete what you accomplished. We know that whenever there is a birthday, anniversary or special occasion. We are bound to have you send us often humorous good wishes.

Going to the Casino and watching your positive cash flow growth and you sharing your winning techniques with us, even though we were not as successful. Then having the opportunity to be your guest to watch a show or two has been fun.

Kyle, you were so brave when uncle Joe almost capsized us on our yacht lol the water came pouring in and nonna got wet even her bra and underwear . . . LOL

You always have your jersey waiting for uncle Joe when we come over to compete with his winning team, so he says . . .

Kyle, we have watched you grow and become an amazing young man, that’s what we see when we see Kyle Scott.


Zia Dina & Uncle Joe

Family Friend- AJ & Nikki

You’re always the brightest face in the room and you have a great way of making people smile. Wherever you go, you have inside jokes with people around you. You always have the best stories about family vacations and crazy things that you and your dad have done. Not to mention, you always have so much luck at the casino. We’ll have to go together soon so we can learn your secrets!

Life has given you challenges; it has been inspiring to see you and your family knocking down barriers and achieving milestones in sports and school.

We are grateful to have you and your family in our lives.


AJ & Nikki

Family Friend- Katty & Gary

Katty: I believe you were diagnosed with CP at sixteen months of age. I can say from that moment on your parents moved forward with whatever they could do. They did everything they could do and still do. You did everything you could do until you couldn’t—sports then went on to something else, always moving forward. You have carried yourself as if you have nothing “extra” going on, you are never late, negative, sad, or depressed, always happy, laughing, engaged and completely present—real! You and your family, dealing with CP for all these years have never left the room without making it feel better than when you entered.

You have always made me appreciate what I have been able to do all of my life and have used your life with CP and your positive outlook as a lesson for my kids. Everyone has something to offer, to give and you have been doing that all along, maybe not even knowing it. You have been an inspiration—I guess I just haven’t told you. I am grateful to have crossed paths years ago with your father and am so lucky to have you, and your family as great friends.

Gary: Kyle has always impressed me with his perseverance to do whatever it took to walk and participate in sports. I remember how remarkable I thought it was to watch him walk unassisted. My biggest tribute that I can pay to you though Kyle is likely something you are unaware of, I would certainly like to share it with you now. Getting to know Kyle has made me grow as a person, opening my eyes to people with disabilities. Kyle has shown me that in no way is a physical disability an indication of one’s cognitive ability. I find you to be an articulate, well-adjusted and respectful man. No doubt these remarkable attributes are interwoven with the incredible bond that you have with your family.

I am proud to know you and equally proud to call you my friend.

Love Auntie Katty & Uncle Gary

Family Friend- Nella

You could say my friendship with Kyle started the day we were born. Kyle and I are only nine months apart, so we have been a part of each other’s lives right from the beginning! We can thank our parents for our friendship. My mother and Kyle’s father have been friends since high school and our families have been very close for many years. I consider them family and I am happy to have shared many memories with them.

I remember growing up with Kyle, and I am reminded by old photos and VHS videos of birthday parties. We looked so little in those old photos and videos, and our 1990’s outfits were pretty ridiculous, but it is pretty cool to have a friend from “baby-hood.” It is hard to remember so far back all those years ago, but I never thought of Kyle as “different” for having been born with Cerebral Palsy. As a child, I didn’t care that things were apparently different, and perhaps that is because I did not understand, but nonetheless, I always saw him as my friend.

Throughout the years, I remember watching Kyle’s challenges and successes. Kyle struggled with walking and using his hands as he got older, but he is very strong-willed and strong-minded that he did not appear to let that get him down. He still strived to do the things a young boy wanted to do, like run around and have fun, swim, and play hockey. He also attended college and completed his architecture program.

Even though Kyle is in a wheelchair, he probably travels more than the average person does! He goes on all-inclusive vacations with his family and loves swimming. He is probably a better swimmer than me!

Fond Memory: In 2014, our families travelled to Las Vegas together. I remember my Godfather, Colin- Kyle’s dad was pushing him around everywhere along the Las Vegas strip, zooming through the crowds of people. Of course, we went to the Casino and Kyle won, as he always does. We saw shows, visited Fremont Street and saw a lot of interesting characters. We had lots of laughs. We even went to the Grand Canyon! Of course, you would assume that the Grand Canyon is not wheelchair accessible at all, which it definitely is NOT! But still, Kyle made his way out there. My Godfather is always so determined to help his son experience anything he wants to, and it is really awesome that he can.

Kyle has always been so optimistic and positive throughout his life. Even though he is faced with challenges, he does not sit in his room feeling sorry for himself. He is determined to enjoy his life to the best of his ability, and rightfully so!

Kyle is such an inspiration. He does not go about his life complaining or acting angry, and I feel like more of us should be like him. I am extremely happy to call him my friend, and I am excited to see what adventures he goes on NEXT!



Family Friend- Laura & Glen- Ya-Ya & Mr. Pizza

Kyle has brought added value to my life in many ways. My family and I have watched Kyle become a wonderful and intelligent young man with a charming sense of humour.

My biggest pet peeve is when a stranger comes up to Kyle, speaks to him like two years old and intrudes, wanting to pray for him. I would tell them, “Pray for yourself, go get your Brownie Points into heaven somewhere else!” This young man is just FINE! I thought it was self-serving. I would roll my big eyes at Kyle and he just laughed. I always felt Kyle deserved the same respect and privacy as he would allow anyone else in society.

Fond Memory: Remember our Stupidman and Lois Leak story?! Well, Kyle has grown into a true Superman! I know this because when you spill your drink at the table. Kyle moves faster than a speeding bullet to get out of the way!

Despite Kyle’s difficulties in life, he has mostly been a bright and cheery person and I feel privileged to call him my friend.

Love Always,

Ya-Ya & Mr. Pizza

Elementary School Friend- James aka Wombat Sr

Growing up alongside Kyle has been truly special and memorable. Since elementary school, we have shared a bond and friendship unlike any other. He has been a constant, unwavering source of strength and support for me, and I feel lucky to have witnessed our friendship evolve, mature, and grow over the years. Kyle has a soft and serious side, but the side that most people see is his joyful, charming, fun-loving, and humorous personality. I am lucky to have known both of these sides of Kyle’s character.

Kyle has a tremendous network of family and friends. His immediate family—Colin, Silvana, and Stirling—are second-to-none, and he is surrounded by an unbelievable cast of relatives and friends who rank among the kindest and most loving people that I know. It is no surprise that Kyle has become the terrific man and friend that I know him to be.

Our journey together has been one of many waves of laughter, love, emotion, some trials, and many successes, and we have been there for one another through thick and thin.

Fond Memories:

  • Attending your Sledghehammers games

  • Sledgehammer fundraisers/raffles that we attended together

  • Uncle Gordon’s pipe band fundraiser

  • Many nights we spent on that evening at your place while your parents were out

  • Having womnights, ordering pizza, watching womuits, or watching royal wompains

  • Going to Niagara-on-the-Lake on the haunted history walking tour with the family, including “UR KEWL” Aunt Anna

  • Going to Niagara Falls- Fallsview Casino for many different shows—walking up to Farm Boy and having a drink on the “patio” at one of their outdoor tables

  • Taking your electric wheelchair around the neighbourhood—riding it togethe0r . . . LOL

  • Being in Florida, spending time on the beach and pool—going for breakfast at the Frog Pond—going for dinner at the Cracker Barrel (Ryan’s brilliant idea)

  • Going out for breakfast at Phyl’s, Broadway

  • Going for dinner to East Side Mario’s, Kelsey’s and many other restaurants

  • Going to see all kinds of movies over the years—wheeling/racing you down the ramp of the SilverCity Ancaster theatre after each time

  • Sitting at the top of the Chedoke stairs on one of our favourite benches chatting about life and happiness really looks like and would remind ourselves that we are there for each other

  • Ottawa, Montreal/Québec, Florida, Las Vegas, Punta Cana, Niagara Falls and Ohio trips

When Wombat became our nicknames in grade four, It gradually evolved into calling each other variations based on location, event, mood, etc. We never tallied up all of the names, but we always were delighted when one of us came up with a new name. We would always say, “add it to the list!”

  • WomFlorida

  • WomVegas

  • Wombro

  • Wombinson

  • Wombolina

  • Wombocino

For sure, we have over twenty wom-names and some are best to stay between us!

Rarely does someone enter your life in grade one and stand next to you, almost twenty-five years later, at your wedding. It is a special feeling indeed to be able to call Kyle my friend, my brother!

Love always,

Wombat Sr. & Womsis

Elementary School Friend- Ben aka Gentle Ben

I first met Kyle by virtue of our respective home’s geographical location to our elementary School– Teresa of Avila. We were close acquaintances throughout the almost decade that we attended there.

Kyle and I fostered a friendship on the battlefield that was recess sports. From four-square and soccer to snowball fights and red butt, Kyle was known as a fierce and vocal competitor. The value of his talents and his passion for victory never went unnoticed as evidenced by how quickly he was helped back to his feet if he were to fall. More recently, Kyle and I reconnected as we were both Groomsmen for a wedding we both attended for our mutual friend James. It was great to catch up over the weekend bachelor trip that was filled with zingers and a memorable OT thriller in the 2019 March Madness tournament.

Kyle and his father Colin breathe life into everyone around them. Their laugher is infectious. I am so happy to see that they have become heroes and role models in their community.

Elementary School Friend- Carla

When I think of Kyle, I am instantly transported back in time and reminded of fond childhood memories. Kyle and I attended the same elementary school together from Junior Kindergarten to Grade Eight, including high school. We were fortunate enough to have progressed through each school year with the same group of peers. We were afforded the unique opportunity to grow alongside one another for the majority of our childhood, and well into our teenage years. As I reflect back, I can’t think of Kyle without remembering his smile, contagious laugh, fearlessness for trying new things and his unparalleled perseverance to tackle life’s challenges head-on!

If you have the privilege of knowing Kyle, you know that he is a true friend and a person of integrity who effortlessly inspires those around him simply by the way he chooses to live his life. Kyle gave me the honour of a dance during our Grade Eight graduation and it is a cherished memory of mine, among endless other experiences we shared during our time together at S.T.A.

Kyle is one of a kind and I am looking forward to reliving some of those very special childhood years through his eyes.

Elementary School Friend- Ryan aka Joker

The one thing that I do remember was recess and how much fun we always had as an entire group for recess. Those were the good ol’ days when nothing really mattered and we were just having a grand old time out of class. One thing I remember about you is playing soccer out in the field over lunch and Kyle would usually play goalie for one of the teams. It was so impressive seeing some of the diving saves that he would make and then a couple of teammates would come over and help him up, only for him to go full out diving the other direction for another save.

One other school trip I remember was early on in elementary school to the Chedoke rink for a skating day. I had pushed Kyle around on his hockey sled for a bit and then, thinking I was a much better skater than I was, I said I was going to skate as fast as I could to the middle of the ice and stop fast to “snow”- spray snow up off your skates into people the little group of girls that were there. Would have been super cool, if I knew how to stop well and I ended up slipping off my skates and knocking all the girls over. Not the smoothest move!

Elementary School Friend- Chris

I have known Kyle since starting elementary school. That’s over twenty years of experience, something that is hard to encapsulate in a short paragraph. Over time, specific details have been forgotten and memories have become blurred but a few things have remained constant throughout. One of those constants is that Kyle never let his situation dictate his attitude or behaviour. As a class, sports dictated our recesses and Kyle was always active in whatever game we played. Whether it was soccer or four square or ball hockey, he was never one to shy away from a challenge.

Fond Memory: I remember setting up soccer nets with sweaters or jackets as goalposts. The field was probably sixty feet long, grass totally is worn down in spots with only dirt remaining. We’d play for both fifteen-minute recesses although they felt like an hour. The lunch break recess was longer at least forty minutes.

But soccer was mostly an activity when we were younger along with football. As we got older, we experimented with different games: four square, hockey played with a tennis ball and our feet, basketball. Actually, I believe in the last few years of elementary, our recesses were totally composed of basketball. And standing in a group while we froze during the winter months lol.

One of the more interesting games we had was absolutely ridiculous but kept us occupied for weeks. I think it started because one of the guys was too lazy to throw out a banana peel or Coke can into the garbage next to the school door. He threw it at another guy and said that since it touched him last, it was his responsibility to throw it out. And from that stupidity, a new game was born. The sole object was to throw a piece of garbage at a classmate and then run away so he couldn’t throw it back at you. The last one hit was supposed to be the one who chucks it in the can. . .but that never happened. Instead, we’d save the piece of garbage- again, a banana peel or Coke can for the next recess where we’d do it all over again. It was childish and immature but it was exceedingly fun.

Perseverance and confidence are rare qualities to possess but Kyle exhibits both of them. It’s a testament to his nature and the terrific support system that has helped him along the way.

Family Friend- Julieann- J.J.

I first met Kyle at the age of twelve- he was six when his family moved into the house next door. Since our neighbourhood was mostly seniors, I was thrilled by the prospect of more children to play with. Unbeknownst to me, I was not only gaining a friend I was also acquiring a part-time job! As both of Kyle’s parents worked full time, I began being his after-school, summertime, babysitter. That was how all the fun began!

When Kyle got his first electric scooter we cruised the neighbourhood. He would happily share some days saying to me “do you want a ride?” and at other times he would be more reluctant. On those days, I would just squish myself beside him and we would have a good laugh!

Kyle and I were always participating in different activities, going to the mall, open swims, local parks and many other local events. In those days, sidewalks did not have accessible curb cuts which made it tricky for us to safely go for walks. We would have to use driveways instead of the end of the sidewalks. There were no ramps in restaurants, even Tim Horton’s was inaccessible. We managed without injury and thankfully, nothing hindered our travels!

If I was to say one thing about Kyle as a child, it would be that he LOVED sports! We would play soccer and baseball in the backyard. Mini-sticks and sports-related video games were enjoyed for hours, more like years! Kyle was an amazing goalie and dedicated to playing! He continued his love of being a goalie and became a bit of a Sledge Hockey star as he grew older. This came as no surprise to me, his love for hockey—more specifically, the Toronto Maple Leafs was apparent with one glance of his childhood bedroom. He was a true super fan of sports.

Kyle and I were close growing up, so much so, that everyone at my school thought he was my brother. I would walk him up to my high school, after school to watch sports. We also spent so much time together in the community.

Kyle was a critical part of a life-changing moment for me. I was enrolled as a student in a pediatric dental program in Toronto that I was not enjoying. While I was at Kyle’s house he asked me if I liked my course, I was truthful and I replied, “No, I hate it!” Kyle asked, “why don’t you work with kids like me?” Prior to this “Aha, moment!” I had never thought about working with children with special needs as a job. I switched career paths, enrolled in the Educational Assistant Diploma program through Niagara College and I have been employed as an Educational Assistant for fifteen years! I love my job, all it took was a suggestion from a wise young man.

I am thrilled for Kyle that he is sharing his story and his lived experience in this book for the world. This is just the next step on Kyle’s journey.

Love J.J.

Family Friend- Jessica "The Babysitter"

Although it’s been over 25 years since seeing Kyle, I still vividly remember my first babysitting job. Upon reflection, it was Kyle who inspired me to choose my career path.

Recently and much to my surprise, cities apart, Kyle sourced me out through my work with children at a rehabilitation hospital. Hmm I thought, he continues to be extremely resourceful! Didn’t surprise me in the least!

As a youth, Kyle inspired me to look at the person and not the disability. There was nothing that Kyle couldn’t do when he set his mind to it. He demonstrated that day after day. Although it may not have been the way I may have completed the task, it didn’t matter, it was functional for him and allowed him to independently participate in his activities of daily living to their fullest.

My fondest memories are playing floor hockey in his living room listening/singing to the Backstreet Boys and talking about what we would do when we got older. He encouraged me to see the world using my occupational lens.

Family Friend- Christy

When I think back to my time spent with Kyle, I grin from ear to ear! The world saw Kyle for his physical limitations! Kyle did NOT! His quick wit, hilarious jabs and often sarcastic comments were the absolute BEST! He never hesitated to mock me, put me in my place and let me know exactly how he felt! He would literally tackle me to the ground and because I’m competitive that way, I felt no way about taking him on! I think that’s why Kyle and I were so perfectly matched for each other. I didn’t see his Cerebral Palsy, I saw a funny as hell, fully capable young boy and treated him as such. I felt fiercely protective of him as the ignorance of people can be a lot!

Kyle taught me so much about laughing things off. He chose not to allow comments to taint him, it fueled him and infuriated me! He would often laugh it off followed by a quick jab to my ribs! I’m fairly certain this was his way to calm me down! Over our years of friendship, he continues to amaze me with his NEVER quit attitude. He carried it through his years of hockey, and throughout his adult life. His whole life people have told him no you can’t do that, or you have to do it this way.

When I was Kyle’s sledge hockey pusher he would say go faster. I would reply we aren’t supposed to, he said DO IT! So I did! I love that he lives his life the way he wants, not the way he is told it should be!




Family Friend- Maureen & Tom

As James’ parents, we feel that he has been truly blessed by his lifetime friendship with Kyle. It has been such a privilege to watch a friendship between two young boys in elementary school grow...a friendship that was first based on kindness, trust, encouragement and even silliness to one that has evolved into the loyal, honest and caring bond they share today.

Throughout the years, James and Kyle have always been there for each other in all ways...whether it is to support, congratulate, listen, or simply have a good time. Their ongoing inside jokes and genuine understanding of one another as individuals is what makes this friendship authentic, true and most certainly a blessing!


Maureen & Tom

Family Friend- Silvana, Selena & Family

I first met Kyle when he was in grade school; he was a classmate with my daughter, Selena. I spent a lot of time volunteering at the school and found Kyle to be happy, energetic, and smart. He constantly had a big smile on his face! If you were having a bad day you quickly got over it once Kyle was around.

I became friends with Kyle’s mother, Silvana, when she began volunteering at the school. Kyle always made jokes about our same name! For years we never met any other “Silvana’s” as it’s not a popular Italian name. Our families quickly became friends and would travel to far away from sunny destinations together. Shout out to Punta Cana ’16, ’17, ’18, and ’19. Onto somewhere new for 2020! New decade, new vaycay!

Kyle has encouraged my newfound fondness for gambling. Before him, I wouldn’t ever dabble in such recklessness- exception on cruise ships. I still lose but I have the best time watching Kyle win the grand prizes on Wheel of Fortune! Pass on some luck my way next time at Fallsview!

A “What are you doing tomorrow?” text from Kyle always puts a smile on my face. I never know what adventures he and Silvana have planned for us. Sometimes it’s coffee, other times breakfast, Costco, or to come over to keep him company while Silvana is at work. Our afternoon visits are always filled with discussing our favourite TV shows and life in general. More recently, proofreading Kyle’s memoirs! Never a dull moment and always makes me laugh with his sense of humour and good nature.

Kyle has amazing parents, family, friends, and a solid support system that truly believes he can and will achieve everything he sets his mind to. Kyle’s differences have not kept him from living life to the fullest. We are proud of all his accomplishments!

When you get to know Kyle, you will see a quick-witted, intelligent, and caring young man who also happens to have a cool set of wheels!


Silvana, Selena & family

High School Friend- John

Kyle and I met in high school during a co-op program aimed at supporting his participation in P.E. in grade twelve. Over the course of that semester, I learned a great deal about Cerebral Palsy and about Kyle himself. It was clear that I was the one who would benefit the most from the co-op program.

Kyle was tenacious about conquering activities, especially his work in the weight room. He was an excellent communicator and really was the one who helped me navigate his CP. Luckily, he was acquainted with a few other students that I knew and we became friends outside of the classroom. I had the pleasure of watching him play Sledge Hockey for the local Hamilton team and travelled to London to see him participate in a tournament. The skills of the men on the team were impactful and humbling.

Kyle never let his CP impact his good cheer and his determination. Whether it was hockey or getting accepted to Mohawk College or even making it out with friends for a beer. Kyle always showed that he would write his own story.

Kyle and I have been able to keep in touch for over years and he is just as much of an example today as he was when we met. His book about his journey with CP is another testament to that aspect of his personality. I won’t forget the things Kyle has taught me as I think about the lessons I want to teach my future kids.

High School Friend- Blake

I remember being introduced to Kyle by my friend John back in high school when the two of them shared a class together. Once we met and realized we both shared a passion for hockey we played a couple of seasons together for the Hamilton sledgehammers.

I remember being amazed at everyone’s skill level and the pace of the game! We were really good too, hacking, slashing and scoring goals. We won the O.S.H.A championship one year.

Fond Memories: I remember when we were playing Sledge Hockey and we would crush guys into the boards to get the puck. I remember at a game at Chedoke, a guy slashed both of us—me on the ankle and I asked you if you were ready and we went and got him back good. We were the enforcers. This usually happens in every game!

Our trip to London for the tournament with John and how fun that was to be a part of with you. We played some stiff competition, even some players from the Canadian national team which was an amazing experience. Games were followed by beers with boys in the hotel and early mornings on the ice. Also throughout the years, we had many house parties or a guy’s night.

Ever since I’ve known Kyle he has always shown tremendous perseverance both on and off the ice and that resonated with everyone who has been lucky enough to know him, cross paths with him, or be his teammate.

High School Friend- Ryan aka The 6’-8” Kid

Kyle and I went to high school with one another for our grades nine and ten. Although we did not know each other well, Kyle always had a smile on his face and was very kind. It was not until our early adult years that Kyle and I were reconnected through James.

However more recently, Kyle and I really got to know each other by being Groomsmen at James’ wedding. We attended March Madness in Columbus for James’ bachelor party and it was here I learned of Kyle’s wicked sense of humour. I can’t recall a weekend where I laughed so much! Kyle and I were at each other’s throats all weekend and constantly joking with one another.

After the bachelor party weekend, Kyle and I continued to keep in touch. I soon found out he is a Maple Leafs fan and that Kyle and I have very similar interests. After a Maple Leafs loss, we would message one another and act as if we had all the answers as to why they lost.

Kyle truly is an inspiration to everyone. Despite living with CP, Kyle demonstrates that with a positive attitude and perseverance, anyone can overcome life’s obstacles and achieve their goals in life.

Family Friend-Steven, Nikki, Charlie & Scarlett

When I think of Steven and Kyle’s relationship it’s truly something special. They met back in college at Mohawk college. For people who don’t know my husband, he is a loud Frenchmen who is not shy to go up to a complete stranger and start a conversion. That’s exactly what Steven did that one afternoon in class. From simply introducing himself went on to becoming Kyle’s Sledge Hockey pusher then eventually sparked a relationship that they bond over hockey and the love for the Toronto Maple Leafs.

After college, Steven moved back to Welland but they kept in touch by texting each other often. Over the years Kyle and his family have been a part of our lives and we couldn’t imagine life without them. They have watched our relationship grow into marriage in 2015 then the arrival of our first-born Charlie in 2017 then our second-born Scarlett in 2020.

Regardless of how busy life gets, Steven and Kyle made a promise to each other to get together for Christmas time and watch the Leafs play in Buffalo, every year. Steven and I cherish these traditions and will continue to cherish them in the future.

We love you so much, Funcle Kyle!

Family Friend- Sean, Bev, Tyler & Matthew

Kyle has always had a special spot in my heart. We have done so much together over the years. The London tournament was a lot of fun! From games—getting into trouble with the Referee to post-game parties at our hotel room and enjoying the special friendship we built. Nobody on the ice liked me being a pusher. They hacked my ankles and swore at me but Kyle kept saying it’s ok. We did well together on and off the ice. I remember getting him ready for hockey and at first Colin wasn’t sure I could handle it. I assured him I was fine!

When my family and I moved to Acton—I was extremely disappointed that I could no longer be Kyle’s “pusher.” However, I knew in my heart we would remain friends. We made sure that we kept our friendship strong and try to get together at least once a year. From playing around in our pool and having beers in the backyard we have always connected. To the point where my two sons love him like a brother. Whenever we say the Scott’s are coming over they drop everything to be a part of the shenanigans.

We ALWAYS have an amazing time being a part of your life and feel honoured that you have let us be there with you!

Family Friend- Bernadette & Ronald

My son Steven met Kyle while he was in College back in 2009. Kyle approached Steven to be his new “pusher” in the sense of a Sledge Hockey pusher lol. Steven quickly agreed to this new challenge in his life. This opportunely gave him the chance to meet Kyle’s wonderful parents and travel with them to away games, as well as a few tournaments. Steven and Kyle share the same passion and for Hockey.

Steven asked his girlfriend Nikki (at the time) and I, if we wanted to come and watch the first home game of the season in Hamilton, and meet Kyle. Well, it turned out to be a very rough game and interesting to watch. With that being said, there were some penalties during the game—in my head, I was wondering how they going to get into the penalty box—well, they don’t. They simply sit on the side of the boards. Steven and Kyle played well together, Kyle collected two goals and an assist during that game.

From there, Steven and Kyle’s relationship just kept growing, as they are both die-hard Maple Leaf fans. Steven and Kyle always make plans to attend at least one NHL game a year. Go for wings, beer and often meet up with some of Steven’s Sabres friends and hope to see the Leafs beat the Sabres. Kyle is a very easy-going guy to get along with, and of course, everyone loves him and like to tease him if one of them is a Sabres fan . . . lol

After Steven and Nikki got married, Kyle and his family were a part of the celebration. Then came little Charlie. Kyle has been a huge part of being Funcle Kyle to Charlie and Charlie just adores him. I’m sure Scarlett will too.

Even though the families are about an hour away, we get together for all special occasions and it’s always a pleasure to meet with them for wine, beer and good food. Looking forward to many more gatherings together.

Family Friend- Natalia

Kyle has brought added value to my life in many ways. I have known Kyle for seven years now. I work for his father Colin, in his shop as a hairstylist. Over the years I have gotten to know Kyle on a more personal level. He is one of the most positive people I know. His infectious smile and personality can light up any room.

Fond Memory: One day, Kyle was hidden in the closet when I went to hang my coat up. Once I opened up the curtain and Kyle screamed and jumped out, I screamed and said, “S.O.B.!”

The following next week I was in the vehicle listening to the radio and the song that was playing called S.O.B. Once I heard it and became Kyle’s new nickname!

You know that phrase, “Like Father, Like Son?!” Well, this is Colin and Kyle! You never know what’s next with those two! I can only hope to one day have as much of a positive impact on others the way he does!

Family Friend- Karen

When Kyle’s Nonna was at the retirement home where I worked. His Nonna was always entertaining, joking around and dancing with me. I knew of Kyle by visiting his Nonna and always smiling. Everyone thinks he is an innocent young man. When Silvana took over the hairstyling salon and got to know more about Kyle’s personality. Well, he’s a shit disturber! However, he has an enthusiastic and delightful sense of humour!

Fond Memory: One of many memorable moments with Kyle was when one of the residents said to Kyle, “Kyle was stealing her money when you held her purse.” His mom told the resident that he would never do that. Kyle said with his wicked sense of humour, “It’s okay, l already checked. She didn’t have any money!” Boy, I just about peed my pants.

Kyle is an inspirational spirit with a wonderful smiling personality that brightens up the entire room!

Family Friend- Francine & Ron

My daughter Nicole dated and is now married to Steven. While Steven was in college in Hamilton, I heard he had befriended Kyle. Steven shared with us his involvement in assisting Kyle while playing Sledge Hockey. Steven was his pusher. But their relationship was more than that. While attending an AHL hockey game in Hamilton we had the pleasure to finally meet Kyle. It certainly warmed my heart because I was an educational assistant and I am a true believer in all friendships. I could see how Steven made sure his friend Kyle got the full experience of being a spectator by assisting him to their seats and making sure he was hydrated- beer and hockey just go together . . . LOL

My husband Ron and I were very proud to have Steven join our family. On Steven and Nicole’s wedding day, Ron made sure to let Steven know how special their friendship is and they call themselves “best friends.” Steven has a big heart, is a very hard worker and is the perfect partner for our daughter Nicole.

Steven and Kyle are friends even though they live an hour apart from each other. They make time to see each other every few months. Kyle and his family are included and part of Steven and Nikki’s family. Funcle Kyle is always invited to our family’s functions. And Kyle reciprocates by having Steven, Nikki, Charlie and Scarlett over for visits and dinners.

My definition of friendship is what Steven and Kyle share!

Family- Cousin- Catherine- DNA

Since I was nine years old, I wanted to know in a concrete way my family from birth. I had been told that I was adopted by my adoptive family when I was eight years old and it riveted me! I had a good family and I was very close to them. It was very upsetting to find out they were not my blood family. So, for years I looked. There was no answer. It was very discouraging even though I kept looking!

In my later years, I even hired a private investigator and paid a considerable amount! The social worker said that there were few relatives! She said I was the most balanced of all adopted she had ever worked with! I did not feel balanced. I just wanted what everyone else had, I wanted to know where I came from. Eventually, I sought counselling and the counsellor told me my expectations were too high and unreasonable. She said I would not find my birth family. It was beyond devastating. But something inside of me rose up and I asked God please find them! My son ordered DNA. He asked me if I was up to find my family, he was so kind and said If I didn't want too I didn't have to. I decided now or never! So, the rest is a wonderful history! DNA came in and first I found all of my mom's family! They are so kind and beautiful! It was amazing! My second cousin and I figured out the name on my adoption order Scott was the name of my biological father! Wow! Then I called them and had a long conversation it was mind-blowing! My biological father was George Scott the famous wrestler! What! I had thought that my biological father was a pharmacist! So, this was a shock! Almost fell off my chair! The Scott family is amazing! My brother Byron is the best! My long-lost brother Byron and cousins came to visit right away! They had a book about the family’s history and they told me many stories about my long-lost family! So wonderful and blessed to finally meet my family!

Later in 2019, I met Colin, Silvana and Kyle. We went for dinner and had a nice long conversation! They are such sweet people so loving and wonderful! Kyle is extra wonderful and has a special place in my heart! I have so much to say about Kyle and it would fill a book. Kyle is first off, an extraordinary human being. The kind you want to be with all of the time. The person who makes you laugh until you cry because he is so funny and outrageous! Kyle is also honest, heart-warming, kind and polite. He is always positive, affirming, and interesting. I always look forward to talking to Kyle. He has a hilarious sense of humour that just nails it! I am proud to be Kyle’s cousin and although we haven’t known each other for a long time he has made a huge impression on me. I couldn’t be prouder of him. His spirit is invincible. He never complains. He is a one in a million, amazing human being. He is a rare gem. I am so very blessed and honoured to have met him.

The DNA experience has been beyond amazing! I say family up! I have on both sides the best family possible! God is so good! He answered all my prayers! Thank you, my dear family, I love you very much! I have not met my other brother George or sister Sharon or cousin Gordon, yet! They are all extra special to me! I have talked a lot to Gordon he is a very gifted musician and his wife is also very gifted in many areas. I hope to meet them all in the near future! They are all great people and it has been a huge blessing to find everyone!




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